
Family guy Season 06 episode 12 long john peter Part1 Full HD.mp4


Hurt me Before (Poetry By me)

Share with me your tears
Let me ease your fears
I can burden your pain
And tear apart all the blame

If you want to trust me
I'm right here in the corner
you're not alone at all
you don't need to hide anymore

Now give me your hand
I'll take you to the stars

Please don't close your eyes
Turning your back, don't hide your lies
Let me know your feelings
I want to know if you're bleeding
Can't you feel me, and believe me?

Lying in your sweet embrace
Your silence is wrapping my head
Leaving me lonely your cruel stance
And I don't want to fall in love again

Tears fell from my eyes
for the first time
While I was screaming in silence
You were hitting my self balance


I like this stuff

If you don't want to get lost in Diagon alley!


Sad Things I think About (Poetry By Me)

Made of stone is my heart
Of fire my soul
The thunder, my voice
My mind is the sun
My love, is my flaw

Can you see me now?

There's no pink on myself
Perhaps some passionate red
Kindness is so hard to get
But I try my best

I don't need any admiration
I live in resignation
What I want, It doesn't exist
'Cause is something only gods
can give

Can you hear what I speak?

A mask covers my real face
There's no such thing as faith
Can't anyone undestand?
That to Trust is unique... but unfair

Naivity freezes my tongue
If sarcasm reaches my throat
Perhaps, I'm afraid to hurt
The ones I really care for

Now, feel my heart

I'm always bymyself
Living a life of distress
The main thing is I'm unhappy
Even when you see me laughing

Floating ice is that image
I see in the mirror's reflect
And I'm the answer
No-one was expecting for
I'm naughty, so lost...

It hurts.

For years I was trying to avoid emotional attachments.
I'll try to explain why attaching yourself to another human being is stupid and makes you weak.

When you're alone, everything is alright... to cheer yourself up you only need to talk to a friend. To eat. Watch a movie.
When you're attached to someone... everything that that person does or doesn't affects you. You need that person to cheer yourself up. There's no movie, no ice cream that can help you as much as that person you're attached to.
Suddenly you stop being strong for yourself and start being strong because that other person gives you strenght.
I forgot that. I've became weak. I'm stupid. And right now... I can't think of anything that helps me recover what I used to be... Because not long time ago... people was just people for me... less important than a tree or a rock... and now... now... I feel that I need them.

I want to be free... I want my mind get back to me. I want to think again, to be critic again. I hate to see everything pink-coloured.
And that is what you get when you're attached.


What's going on?


Today I'm really happy ^^
I'm in love, I'm with my family and sooner that I ever thought I'm going to be back to the person I love.

I know is a simple comment, but...


For the Scouts (& who wants) An Ignatius of Loyola Article

As a pagan and critic that I am (with all my might) with the reasosn that the Religion have to make Saints of any normal man or woman, I'll try to be objective about this Saint that is the paradigm of many scouts in this country,

Mister Ignatius of Loyola made for the legal side what Martin Luthero wanted to do by force and the reason why he (Luthero) was put into jail, (though Saint Ignatius was pointed as heretic too). His Jesuit order, though is Orthodox and pretty Catholic, doing a bit more of research, we can find HUGE marks of Lutheran Protestantism. (Too complicated? I recommend to watch less tv and start to cultivate your brain a bit more because the grey matter rots!)
After a hard investigation (don't think is not true), I've picked some facts that perhaps you may find interesting:
First at all, we know that Saint Ignatius was a noble, and that like a good noble he was he started his career in the war. That is every noble duty to fight for his honor and lands.
He was heavely wounded in the war and he decided to dedicate his life to study and I want to say that he was pretty wise doing that. THE QUILL IS STRONGER THAN THE SWORD.
in order to do this, he devoted himself to the religion; that in that time was the only way to stop being an ignorant and besides was legal, (because we have the story of Erasmus Rotherdam, he was deep into knowledge, but he said openly not being attached to any religion and he was accused of being Heretic. Dark times were the Inquisition times).

So, Ignatius were to Monserrat to pray and he started to write his SPIRITUAL EXERCISES. And also, started a Pilgrimage to the Holy Places (the most harassed places in this planet, really... those french didn't respect anything with their famous crusades! they dragged half of Europe into it with the sole purpose of raiding (sorry! recovering) the places in which (allegedly) Jesus had been. The excuse was that those places belonged to cristianity, but we know that those territories doesn't belong to anyone... and if we take it on history's side, those teritories belonged to the Saracens, not to the Christians)
Back to Ignatius... those travels and the spiritual exersises allowed him, at 33 years old to start studying for an apostleship that was spinning around his head. From that he got the idea and so famous Jesuit Order the SOCIETY OF JESUS °0° (That in this time have great power and charisma because is Orthodox and still have lots of its old principles ^^).

I also find (In his own web site) that he was a person with some troubles (emotional unbalanced).
Due to his war wounds, he was postrated in bed for several months. After reading lots of books about Jesus' life and other about the saints, he felt happy and he wished and wanted to do things as big and important as those he read (a man of big hopes he was), but then, he realized of the world around him and the happiness dissapeared, leaving only dispair and hopelessness. And I say... Who hasn't been through this?
The thing is that he took his time to realize that everytime that he wanted to do something with his life, he felt happy ¬ ¬... and when he did it, he decided to give his life entirely to God (sigh)
During this period (while he was postrated) the Virgin Mary appeared before him (And we should remember that he was wounded and he was convalescent for a long time), they said that this vision touched and consoled him deeply. Now... he was sick... probably suffering of fever because of the infected wounds and the lack of good doctors...
In any case, after this emotive moment he decided to go to Monserrat in spiritual retirement. Also, he was obsessed with the pilgrimage to the Holy Places... and he pilgrimaged.
Says that the more he fasted, the more he did penitence, prayed and that; he still felt spiritual emptiness, and like we said already, he wanted to do something more with his life and in that time, anyone!
That way he studies Latin first, then Logics, Physics and Theology (pretty similar) and at last, Philosophy. That is called being MULTIDISCIPLINARY, that is what makes us LUCID. You should learn from him.
He was put in jail bexause he used to teach illegaly (Without permission of the Church, he teached to the kids what he knew)

The years passed by, the people passed by, and that way the circle of life twisted again. He found some friends and with them he created the famous SOCIETY OF JESUS, under votes of poberty and castity (pretty far from what the religion was at that time and what it was for a long time) and obedience (they don't make it clear about who they should obey). The order was created to emulate Jesu's way of life... (so naive)
They were dedicated to teach the children and to do charity.
During the rest of his life (when the order was accepted for the Pope Paulus III) he dedicate himself to the jesuits. He created lots of charity homes, betweem it one named Arrepentance Women, to redeem women that commited sins... WHICH I DON'T UNDERSTAND!

Ah! His Order was the first one that started to send missionaries everywhere for the Christianization... IT WAS THEM!! (Sorry, I just realized something)

I imagine (because i can't find the information) that he was canonized due to the great job he did for the sake of christianity in all the good pagan tribes. Nevertheless he was a good man, simple, respectful of the rights and people's duties. Humble in his opinions, wise in his knowledge, prudent in his actions.

It is said on the Order's legacy

"To the Greater Glory of God".

If you love for deep in your heart, you're never lazy.


The End (Poetry by me)

Wish I could shine for you today
But I'm hurt to the last bone
Wish I could smile with your sweet cares
But I only find my bitter tongue

Wish I could sleep with you tonight
But I'm just hugging the loneliness inside
Wish I could be able to forget
But I'm losing my strenght

To hate you is something I don't want to feel
Doing that will be the grief's mask
I wanted to be your everything
And all I've got was your turning back

Our last quarrel was the worst pain
Wasting the passion in useless yells
You never wanted to hear me claim
I never wanted to see your stance

'I'm really sorry' I'll never tell
And 'forgive me' is not my way
Will you sleep in my arms again?
Or are you gonna make me beg?


Por qué Julio no tienes festivos?

Alguien que me explique esto? Este tal Agustin no se qué que creó el calendario de festivos no se dio cuenta??
Los colombianos promedio necesitamos uno o dos lunes festivos por semana.
Qué hay que hacer para que eso suceda?
Y preciso cuando cae festivo, tengo campamento o no puedo dormir.

Cuando no trabajaba, mi vida social era nula. Pero ahora, PERO AHORA!!!! si llego a la casa a las siete de la noche me puedo considerar afortunada.
Es como Si la vida Scout se hubiera activado en el momento que empexé a trabajar¬¬
No me quejo para nada. Es lo mejor... pero quiero mis festivos.

Cuando haya conquistado el mundo (o alguien lo haya conquistado pra mi, que es más facil) JURO que haré de dos lunes de cada mes, día de algo, para que sea festivo.

Hoy estoy desvariando, ya sé... pero estoy cansada^^


Sobre creeencias

Tal vez lo mejor que le puede pasar a una persona es tener la sufucuente capacidad de raciocinio como para declararse pagano o en su defecto no-creyente.

Cuando estás al otro lado de la linea (y me refiero al poder ver las cosas que pasan desde muchas perspectivas) te das cuenta que a esa entidad superior a la que estás atado no le importa si pecas o no. Porque fue tu decisión hacerlo. Mucho menos le importa si crees en Ella/El o de qué manera lo haces, mientras creas.... o no; al final regresarás a ese Principio.
Sea lo que sea en lo que decidiste creer (porque... SORPRESA! puedes elegir en qué creer. Aunque en tu familia sean católicos y tú lo seas también por tradición... esa decisión de ser católico por tradición fue tuya), no te juzga, ni te envía al infierno. NO HAY NADA NI NADIE que pague por tí los errores que has cometido. Me enoja eso de ciertas religiones.
¿Cómo es posible que alguien que vivió hace 2 milenios muera por pagar errores que yo cometo?
Qué irresponsable de mi parte hacer que otra persona pague! qué perezosa! qué mediocre! qué hipócrita!

Peor aún es la creencia de excusar mis 'pecados' en una 'posesión' maligna que debe ser extirpada de mi....
Me da pesar el pobre diablo, culpable de tantas cosas que tienen su origen en la naturaleza humana... que son nuestras culpas, no las de él...
Aún peor es que el diablo no existe, entonces se le achacan las cosas al imaginario colectivo una vez más.

Si he de escoger dos cosas como divino-maligno, elijo de esta manera


Nada ha hecho más daño a este mundo que el gusto que tenemos los seres humanos por la ignorancia. Esa pereza de querer ver más allá de lo que nuestra propia nariz nos permite. Esa lasitud al conformarnos con lo que nos es dado, sin ir donde nuestra curiosidad nos lleve. Siempre adoctrinados, acartonados. Todos iguales uno a otros....